Elevator Radio Show  – Week 6/10/2020 – No Show Today

Photo of a gas station down the street from work at 2 am. Steps to protect his store included blocking the entrance with his truck while he sat inside waiting for anyone to even consider looting it. I’m certain that he was well equipped to handle an…

Photo of a gas station down the street from work at 2 am. Steps to protect his store included blocking the entrance with his truck while he sat inside waiting for anyone to even consider looting it. I’m certain that he was well equipped to handle any number of looters who might have decided to break and enter.

There is no show today, everything is fine, I just needed the extra sleep.  It’s been a long week of doing my best to keep my family, those I work with, our building and myself as safe as possible during the looting and destruction in and around the city of Chicago.  A week ago, I didn’t think things could get any better but am glad to see today things have calmed. I’m just not sure what will set this type of acts off again.  Thank you to everyone who reached out to me regarding last week’s show and what I had to share. Some were supportive, others trying to get me to see another perspective, which I’m always open to, and still some letting me know I got it all wrong.  

The world we want to live in is up to us to change, not anyone else. I’m not sharing any self-proclaimed think positive messages here.  I’m not trying to make anyone feel good about themselves by blowing sunshine up anyone’s butt.  We’re so far beyond that.  I’m simply stating that we cannot control anyone else’s actions any more than we can control the sun rising and setting each day. The only thing we have control over is what we think and what we do. Our thoughts may have molded us into the people who are today but truly they do not define us. It is our actions that do.  Want a better world to live in? Take action. What a better, different world looks like to each of us is very different, which is one of the great things about living in the United States.  We are free to form our own thoughts about so many things and talk freely about those opinions. In my “better” world I will continue to support first responders and will take actions to show that support locally here in our community.  I’ll continue to take steps to ensure my family, those I work with, my home and business are safe.  I’ll make sure I’m taking the actions needed to help make the world that I want to live in a closer reality. None of this is easy nor will change happen overnight. But it’s a start.

Until next time my friends, be safe, thank you for listening.