Elevator Radio Show 531 – Week 5/15/2019

A child sits while riding an escalator, looses part of a finger and the parents demand the mall pay for medical bills. Visit www.eesf.org to learn more about how to properly ride an escalator. Parents teach your kids this please!

A child sits while riding an escalator, looses part of a finger and the parents demand the mall pay for medical bills. Visit www.eesf.org to learn more about how to properly ride an escalator. Parents teach your kids this please!

This is the first show I’ve done where there were more than one “I-Team” type investigative report on expired elevator certificates. In the years I’ve been creating this podcast, never have any of them truly attempted to address or get to the bottom of the reason why. My question to you I-Team, reporter….look deeper into the numbers.  Find out the budget for the elevator inspection department, the number of inspectors the department has and the number of elevators that require inspections annually.  Go a step further and ask how long an inspection should take on average and plug those numbers into a spreadsheet.  After you’ve done this ask whether or not the funding allocated, the number of inspectors employed and the number of elevators, escalators, moving walkways and dumbwaiters that require inspections annually can be done based on the time and number of inspectors there are to do it. Do the numbers confirm that there’s adequate funding and employed inspectors to complete the number of inspections that are required each year?