No Show – 1/24/2018


I’ve been sick as many of my coworkers as well. Seems we picked up the flu bug or plague.  I can’t remember being hit so hard before.  To quote one of my coworkers who was shocked when I left work before lunch time to go home on Monday.  “Tom must be at deaths door because he NEVER leaves work, and I mean NEVER!”  I’m not sure if that just means I’m dedicated or just plain stupid, I figure it’s just plain stupidity but the reality is when you run a small business you have a different level of responsibilities you owe those you work with, your customers and the industry you hold so close to your heart.  I’m not feeling all that better and need to get to the doctor. 

My illness is nothing compared to a news article that popped up yesterday when I learned an elevator mechanic feel to his death in New York City. The article link is attached and it’s difficult to believe we’ve had two fatalities in the first 23 days of 2018. It’s so sad and in many ways unbelievable.