Busy, Busy, Busy! 9-23-15

I have to pass on this weeks show as well as next weeks. I was at a conference yesterday, had a great time but there's simply to many items on my desk, voicemail and email that I need to get through before heading out to the NAEC Annual Convention next week in Boston.  Some highlights that I'd like to mention. 

1. The new characters for the children's Safe-T-Rider program will be unveiled on Monday night at the EESF Fundraiser as well as seen in the EESF Booth during exhibit hours. Stop by booth #704 and meet them. The program is moving forward nicely but we still have some fundraising to go to complete it. 

2. The Elevator Riders Riding Club is holding it's annual poker run! Same rules apply as in previous years however this year the fun starts at the EESF Booth. http://www.elevatorriders.com/event-2019137 

3. If you'd like to stop by and say hi I'd love to see you. Visit the C.J. Anderson Booth at 417! Looking forward to seeing many of you next week in Boston! Travel safe.