Hurricane Proof Elevators?

Hurricanes & Elevators With hurricane Sandy bearing down on the Eastern part of the United States and reading some articles about elevator shafts flooding as well as subway tunnels I thought that sharing this post right now was the right thing to do.

I remember attending the 2009 Elevator U Conference, in Quincy Illinois and listening to Sheila Swett’s presentation on Natural and National Disasters and Elevators after having some close personal experience with hurricanes that came up through Houston, TX. Sheila did a great job at going through some of the issues that hurricanes and natural disasters can do to elevator equipment and the presentation was truly a great learning experience for me. She also raised some really good questions that had many of us realizing that while storms like this are not common, it’s important to be prepared when they do hit so that we can minimize damage to vertical transportation equipment, like elevators and escalators. The costs associated with the water damage are going to be through the roof! Plus I'm not sure that insurance policies will cover this. Speaking from experience with my basement issues.

If you have questions about elevator systems during terrible events like hurricane Sandy, I encourage you to contact Swett & Associates. If you are interested in watching the video presentation provided by Sheila you need to become a member of Elevator U in order to view it.

I’d recommend Swett & Associates to anyone, looking for an elevator consultant.