Editorial: "Here's Who To Blame In The Elevator Accident That Killed A Y&R Exec"

My name is Dan Zeitz. I am the Operations Manager and Safety Director for Midwest Elevator is St. Louis, Missouri. As New York recently learned (http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/27/city-blames-fatal-elevator-accident-on-poor-maintenance-work/?src=tp), jumper left behind accidents are a very dangerous, and potentially lethal, problem. I invented, patented and brought to market, a jumper which would prevent the very scenario which killed the Y&R Exec. This product has been available through Wurtec Industries for two years. I created this jumper to eliminate the unnecessary loss of life and serious injuries which occur through human error or negligence.

I thought you should be aware that a safety device existed which could have prevented this tragedy. Please, let's prevent another injury/death.


Time-Out Jumper - http://www.wurtec.com/asp/product.asp?Item=15-505

(more information and articles available)

If there is someone in your organization more appropriate, I would appreciate your forwarding this information.

Thank you,

Dan Zeitz