Post: September 28th, 2011: ERS-2011-09-28 #270 Show Notes

Click Here to download ERS-2011-09-28 #270 As we head into this week of rain here in the Chicagoland it’s appropriate given the recent news of the death of one of our industry mechanics. In a horrific shaft fall that occurred last Friday in New York it is a reminder of just how dangerous the work we do is each day. That goes for all of us who work in the industry. Make safety a priority each and every day. Today is the last show of the month which means we’re giving away a prize pack giveaway and next week we will be announcing the winner of our caption contest.  I appreciate everyone tuning in today and checking out the show as well as all the support you’ve shared with me. Headed  into year six I feel as if it’s only the beginning of my adventure.

Special thanks to the companies who have donated goodies to the prize pack giveaway!

Fujitec America, GAL, The National Association of Elevator Contractors, The National Association of Elevator Safety Authorities, The Elevator Escalator Safety Foundation, Peelle, C.J. Anderson, Truxes, EMS Group, Elevator Bob’s Elevator Pictures, Minnesota Elevator,,,, Elevator World Magazine, Elevator Cab Renovations, The Elevator Preservation Blog, ECS Corporation, Parts Specialists,, Elevator Riders Riding Club, Elevator History Museum and  Certified Conveyance Training Corp.

News/Article Links: Group pushes for new entrance at Bethesda Metro Station A look inside the Otis 211LVM Hydraulic Controller Boy 5 found sleeping in Roxbury elevator Broken Subway escalators and elevator NY Elevator Repairman Falls To His Death NY Have you updated your EW eDirectory Listing Yet? KONE to improve people flow experience Metro to test remote sensors as part of fix Otis Elevator St. Louis MO Global Reports now available Anger rises for striking lift workers Hong Kong EU Donates $2500 to the EESF! Quake damaged Washington Monument elevator Replacing Drive Boards Schindler Elevator, why so noisy? Securing a handrail video Dozen people rescued from stuck elevator Anyone seen this commercial main stream? Retiring Cam in Action China has the fastest elevators but they were made in Japan KONE to mod elevators in Paris MESA Safety Seminar October Wisconsin Elevator Symposium  Keep Collin in your Prayers Collin, Sports Reporter for a Day