Post: July 27th, 2011: ERS-2011-07-27 #262 Show Notes

Click Here to download ERS-2011-07-27 #262

Great to be back, now it’s time for catch up both on the show and at work! We’ve got some interesting articles to cover on the show today along with some great e-mails and a prize pack giveaway.  I realized this past week the following; Six Flags Great America is similar to going to Las Vegas, my kids are too young to work and I’m glad that my wife came back from one of her favorite places on the planet, Santa Cruz, CA. I also realized that spending time with my boys has to be one of the best things in the world and I’m glad I had the opportunity to do so this past week. Pictured Right: As China addresses escalator safety perhaps they should look to improving communications on how to ride them and that if traveling with what's shown in the picture, elevators should be used. Visit for more information.

Special thanks to the companies who have donated goodies to the prize pack giveaway!

Fujitec America, GAL, The National Association of Elevator Contractors, The National Association of Elevator Safety Authorities, The Elevator Escalator Safety Foundation, Peelle, C.J. Anderson, Truxes, EMS Group, Elevator Bob’s Elevator Pictures, Minnesota Elevator,,,, Elevator World Magazine, Elevator Cab Renovations, The Elevator Preservation Blog, ECS Corporation, Parts Specialists &


News/Article Links: Women sue over 11 storey elevator plunge China Escalator accident spotlights safety Elevator programming challenge Tragic death prompts escalator overhaul Unboxing an awesome item from CJA Woman reports rape in Ann Arbor Construction worker falls 40 feet down elevator shaft Disabled man builds homemade elevator MESA Update EESF Attends EU Conference Civil Suit filed 2 years after elevator accident Traction elevator in Atlanta Incoming line disruption Metro Prepares for heat MTA agrees to add elevator  after lawsuit Busted escalator Elevator Buttons behind hotel desks? EW Unplugged: I fixed it! WMATA and Soft Soled Shoes & Flip Flops Tourist who fell from escalator dies Tracing a bad alarm circuit Supplier problem leads to escalator death - Retracted Give our sick Veterans elevators! Rose Bowl project bidders say they can’t meet hiring goals Worlds longest covered escalator Expired Elevator Permits in the news again Conspiracy against Chris Brown Elevator Shaft Fire in Ft. Meyers Beach Teen Elevator Summer Camp Schindler Elevator to be renamed?