The Velocity of Center Opening vs. Side Slide Elevator Doors

If you are looking for the answer on whether the velocity is doubled when calculating the kinetic energy of mechanically connected center opening doors compared to side opening doors the attached article is a must read and a great addition to your library of important information. I encourage you to download, print and save for future use and forward to your colleagues who might benefit from the article.

Download Article Here: CenterOpenVSSideSlide.pdf

Dr. Stephen Carr will be presenting on the Kinetic Energy Calculator at the NAESAI Western Regional Work Shop Saturday November 13th 2010 at the Stratosphere Hotel, Las Vegas, 2000 Las Vegas Blvd South, Las Vegas, NV 89104, Tel: 800-998-6937

If you are interested in attending this seminar, contact:

NAESA International
6957 Littlerock Rd SW Ste A
Tumwater, WA 98512
Phone: 360-292-4968 Fax: 360-292-4973