It's Official and I'm Excited!

After hosting my website through the free Wordpress network it's time to move off of it and host it on a dedicated server. With this change I'm updating the logo and re-skinning the site with a more modern look. In addition to the new layout the text will be much larger which is going to be a relief to many of us out there who struggle to read small tiny type, including me. In addition to the main website I'm also moving my audio files over to the network which I'm extremely excited about. This change will allow this podcast to move into a new arena of distribution, on demand TV via the internet.  This will be accomplished though the channel that they've created over on the box. This cool little device is the means in which I see Cable TV heading.  I'll share more with you on that down the road.

So for now, please sit back and be patient as I roll out our new website this weekend, August 7th & 8th. It's going to be an entirely different look with a new logo. Let the update begin!