No Show Today - My Computer is DEAD!

coffeecompute Last Thursday my computer finally passed away. The company that handles all of our computers here at work has done a phenomenal job and getting a new machine for me which arrived yesterday and recovering some of the files I had on my hard drive that I forgot to save to our server.  

I spent all day yesterday 8+ hours looking for, loading and getting updates for all my computer programs which was the real reason why I never wanted to upgraded my machine in the first place. My hopes that I'd have everything back to normal by lunch time yesterday so that I could put out a show today were dashed when it was 5:00 pm and I was having problems loading the program that hunts all my news articles for the show.

I apologize but there is no show today due to technical difficulties. We'll be back next week everyone. Make a backup of your files today everyone. I'm giving away a plug and play backup drive as part of January's prize pack giveaway, compliments of Sign up for our e-newsletter to be eligible to win.

Have a great rest of the week everyone. Stay warm and be careful driving in the snow.

My Computer 1996-2009 Rest in Peace my electronic companion!