Post: November 5th, 2008: No Show Today!

Sorry but no show today. I stayed up late last night to watch the election coverage and am glad that all the campaigning is over with. No matter whom you voted for it was great to see such a high percentage of registered voters at the polls yesterday! I have a lot of respect for both men and their passion for our country and can appreciate each of their efforts in running for a job that I would never want in a million years. If staying up late wasn't trouble from the get go, two of my little ones were up multiple times during the night, one with a fever and cough the other just not feeling good. Staying home to be a Dad and not a podcast host was a bigger priority.

Next Tuesday, November 11th is Veterans Day. Please take a moment to thank someone who has served our great country in the military. Next week the show will be back as usually and I'll do my best to keep it short as I catch up.  Have a great rest of the week everyone and be safe.